Bonsan Bonne Lee
Bonsan Bonne Lee
University of New South Wales, Prince of Wales Hospital, Spinal Medicine Department
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Cited by
The global map for traumatic spinal cord injury epidemiology: update 2011, global incidence rate
BB Lee, RA Cripps, M Fitzharris, PC Wing
Spinal cord 52 (2), 110-116, 2014
A global map for traumatic spinal cord injury epidemiology: towards a living data repository for injury prevention
RA Cripps, BB Lee, P Wing, E Weerts, J Mackay, D Brown
Spinal cord 49 (4), 493-501, 2011
Methenamine hippurate for preventing urinary tract infections
BSB Lee, JM Simpson, JC Craig, T Bhuta
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2007
Global maps of non-traumatic spinal cord injury epidemiology: towards a living data repository
PW New, RA Cripps, B Bonne Lee
Spinal cord 52 (2), 97-109, 2014
Residual spinothalamic tract pathways predict development of central pain after spinal cord injury
G Wasner, BB Lee, S Engel, E McLachlan
Brain 131 (9), 2387-2400, 2008
Effect on falls of providing single lens distance vision glasses to multifocal glasses wearers: VISIBLE randomised controlled trial
MJ Haran, ID Cameron, RQ Ivers, JM Simpson, BB Lee, M Tanzer, ...
Bmj 340, 2010
Visibilising clinical work: Video ethnography in the contemporary hospital
R Iedema, D Long, R Forsyth, BB Lee
Health Sociology Review 15 (2), 156-168, 2006
Estimating the global incidence of traumatic spinal cord injury
M Fitzharris, RA Cripps, BB Lee
Spinal cord 52 (2), 117-122, 2014
Spinal-injured neuropathic bladder antisepsis (SINBA) trial
BB Lee, MJ Haran, LM Hunt, JM Simpson, O Marial, SB Rutkowski, ...
Spinal cord 45 (8), 542-550, 2007
Non-pharmacological treatment and prevention of bone loss after spinal cord injury: a systematic review
Biering-Sørensen F, H B, L BS
Spinal Cord 47 (7), 508-18, 2009
Pharmacological interventions for treating acute heterotopic ossification
MJ Haran, T Bhuta, BSB Lee
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2004
Health status rated with the medical outcomes study 36-item short-form health survey after spinal cord injury
MJ Haran, BB Lee, MT King, O Marial, MR Stockler
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 86 (12), 2290-2295, 2005
Impact of respiratory muscle training on respiratory muscle strength, respiratory function and quality of life in individuals with tetraplegia: a randomised clinical trial
CL Boswell-Ruys, CRH Lewis, NS Wijeysuriya, RA McBain, BB Lee, ...
Thorax 75 (3), 279-288, 2020
Surface functional electrical stimulation of the abdominal muscles to enhance cough and assist tracheostomy decannulation after high-level spinal cord injury
BB Lee, C Boswell-Ruys, JE Butler, SC Gandevia
The journal of spinal cord medicine 31 (1), 78-82, 2008
Traumatic spinal cord injury in Saudi Arabia: an epidemiological estimate from Riyadh
SS Alshahri, RA Cripps, BB Lee, MS Al-Jadid
Spinal cord 50 (12), 882-884, 2012
Abdominal muscle training can enhance cough after spinal cord injury
RA McBain, CL Boswell-Ruys, BB Lee, SC Gandevia, JE Butler
Neurorehabilitation and neural repair 27 (9), 834-843, 2013
Probiotics for preventing urinary tract infection in people with neuropathic bladder
SL Toh, CL Boswell‐Ruys, BSB Lee, JM Simpson, KR Clezy
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017
Probiotics [LGG-BB12 or RC14-GR1] versus placebo as prophylaxis for urinary tract infection in persons with spinal cord injury [ProSCIUTTU]: a randomised controlled trial
SL Toh, BB Lee, S Ryan, JM Simpson, K Clezy, L Bossa, SA Rice, ...
Spinal Cord 57 (7), 550-561, 2019
Corridor conversations: Clinical communication in casual spaces
D Long, R Iedema, BB Lee
The discourse of hospital communication: Tracing complexities in …, 2007
The SF-36 walk-wheel: a simple modification of the SF-36 physical domain improves its responsiveness for measuring health status change in spinal cord injury
BB Lee, JM Simpson, MT King, MJ Haran, O Marial
Spinal Cord 47 (1), 50-55, 2009
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Articles 1–20