Loriano Galeotti
Loriano Galeotti
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Differentiating Drug-Induced Multichannel Block on the Electrocardiogram: Randomized Study of Dofetilide, Quinidine, Ranolazine, and Verapamil
L Johannesen, J Vicente, JW Mason, C Sanabria, K Waite-Labott, M Hong, ...
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 96 ((5)), 549-58, 2014
Comprehensive translational assessment of human-induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes for evaluating drug-induced arrhythmias
K Blinova, J Stohlman, J Vicente, D Chan, L Johannesen, ...
Toxicological Sciences 155 (1), 234-247, 2017
Improving the assessment of heart toxicity for all new drugs through translational regulatory science
L Johannesen, J Vicente, RA Gray, L Galeotti, Z Loring, CE Garnett, ...
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 95 (5), 501-508, 2014
Mechanisms of sex and age differences in ventricular repolarization in humans
J Vicente, L Johannesen, L Galeotti, DG Strauss
American heart journal 168 (5), 749-756. e3, 2014
Evaluating strict and conventional left bundle branch block criteria using electrocardiographic simulations
L Galeotti, PM van Dam, Z Loring, D Chan, DG Strauss
Europace 15 (12), 1816-1821, 2013
Automatic ECG quality scoring methodology: mimicking human annotators
L Johannesen, L Galeotti
Physiological measurement 33 (9), 1479, 2012
Advanced methods of biomedical signal processing
S Cerutti, C Marchesi
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Transformation of the Mason-Likar 12-lead electrocardiogram to the Frank vectorcardiogram
D Guldenring, DD Finlay, DG Strauss, L Galeotti, CD Nugent, ...
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Comparison of the relation between left ventricular anatomy and QRS duration in patients with cardiomyopathy with versus without left bundle branch block
DD Chan, KC Wu, Z Loring, L Galeotti, G Gerstenblith, G Tomaselli, ...
The American journal of cardiology 113 (10), 1717-1722, 2014
Assessing ECG signal quality indices to discriminate ECGs with artefacts from pathologically different arrhythmic ECGs
C Daluwatte, L Johannesen, L Galeotti, J Vicente, DG Strauss, CG Scully
Physiological measurement 37 (8), 1370, 2016
ECGlab: User friendly ECG/VCG analysis tool for research environments
J Vicente, L Johannesen, L Galeotti, DG Strauss
Computing in Cardiology 2013, 775-778, 2013
Recent advances in medical device triage technologies for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear events
K Lansdowne, CG Scully, L Galeotti, S Schwartz, D Marcozzi, DG Strauss
Prehospital and disaster medicine 30 (3), 320-323, 2015
Development of an automated method for display of ischemic myocardium from simulated electrocardiograms
L Galeotti, DG Strauss, JFA Ubachs, O Pahlm, E Heiberg
Journal of electrocardiology 42 (2), 204-212, 2009
Ecglib: Library for processing electrocardiograms
L Johannesen, J Vicente, L Galeotti, DG Strauss
Computing in Cardiology 2013, 951-954, 2013
Robust algorithm to locate heart beats from multiple physiological waveforms by individual signal detector voting
L Galeotti, CG Scully, J Vicente, L Johannesen, DG Strauss
Physiological measurement 36 (8), 1705, 2015
The derivation of the spatial QRS-T angle and the spatial ventricular gradient using the Mason–Likar 12-lead electrocardiogram
D Guldenring, DD Finlay, RR Bond, A Kennedy, J McLaughlin, L Galeotti, ...
Journal of Electrocardiology 48 (6), 1045-1052, 2015
An electrocardiographic sign of ischemic preconditioning
LPB Meijs, L Galeotti, EP Pueyo, D Romero, RB Jennings, M Ringborn, ...
American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 307 (1), H80-H87, 2014
Heartbeat fusion algorithm to reduce false alarms for arrhythmias
C Daluwatte, L Johannesen, J Vicente, CG Scully, L Galeotti, DG Strauss
2015 Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 745-748, 2015
Robust Algorithm to Locate Heart Beats from Multiple Physiological Waveforms
L Johannesen, J Vicente, CG Scully, L Galeotti, DG Strauss
Computing in Cardiology 2014, 2014
The Mixing Rate of the Arterial Blood Pressure Waveform Markov Chain Is Correlated with Shock Index During Hemorrhage in Anesthetized Swine
M Adibuzzaman, G Kramer, L Galeotti, S Merrill, D Strauss, CG Scully
36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2014
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Articles 1–20