‘Wiggle matching’radiocarbon dates CB Ramsey, J van der Plicht, B Weninger Radiocarbon 43 (2A), 381-389, 2001 | 503 | 2001 |
A 14C age calibration curve for the last 60 ka: the Greenland-Hulu U/Th timescale and its impact on understanding the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in Western Eurasia B Weninger, O Jöris Journal of human evolution 55 (5), 772-781, 2008 | 424 | 2008 |
Climate forcing due to the 8200 cal yr BP event observed at Early Neolithic sites in the eastern Mediterranean B Weninger, E Alram-Stern, E Bauer, L Clare, U Danzeglocke, O Jöris, ... Quaternary Research 66 (3), 401-420, 2006 | 386 | 2006 |
The impact of rapid climate change on prehistoric societies during the Holocene in the Eastern Mediterranean B Weninger, L Clare, E Rohling, O Bar-Yosef, U Böhner, M Budja, ... Documenta praehistorica 36, 7-59, 2009 | 312 | 2009 |
CalPal-2007. Cologne radiocarbon calibration & palaeoclimate research package B WENIRIGER http://www. calpal. de/, 2009 | 303 | 2009 |
CalPal-2007online U Danzeglocke, O Jöris, B Weninger | 210 | 2008 |
Climatic changes and social transformations in the Near East and North Africa during the ‘long’4th millennium BC: A comparative study of environmental and archaeological evidence J Clarke, N Brooks, EB Banning, M Bar-Matthews, S Campbell, L Clare, ... Quaternary Science Reviews 136, 96-121, 2016 | 198 | 2016 |
Impact of the Late Glacial eruption of the Laacher See volcano, central Rhineland, Germany M Baales, O Jöris, M Street, F Bittmann, B Weninger, J Wiethold Quaternary Research 58 (3), 273-288, 2002 | 177 | 2002 |
The catastrophic final flooding of Doggerland by the Storegga Slide tsunami B Weninger, R Schulting, M Bradtmöller, L Clare, M Collard, ... Documenta Praehistorica 35, 1-24, 2008 | 168 | 2008 |
The repeated replacement model–rapid climate change and population dynamics in Late Pleistocene Europe M Bradtmöller, A Pastoors, B Weninger, GC Weniger Quaternary International 247, 38-49, 2012 | 166 | 2012 |
Glacial radiocarbon age calibration: the CalPal program B Weninger, O Joris Oxford University School of Archaeology Monograph 62, 9, 2004 | 160 | 2004 |
Rapid climate change and variability of settlement patterns in Iberia during the Late Pleistocene I Schmidt, M Bradtmöller, M Kehl, A Pastoors, Y Tafelmaier, B Weninger, ... Quaternary International 274, 179-204, 2012 | 144 | 2012 |
The Aegean in the early 7th millennium BC: maritime networks and colonization B Horejs, B Milić, F Ostmann, U Thanheiser, B Weninger, A Galik Journal of World Prehistory 28, 289-330, 2015 | 143 | 2015 |
Neolithisation of the Aegean and Southeast Europe during the 6600–6000 calBC period of Rapid Climate Change B Weninger, L Clare, F Gerritsen, B Horejs, R Krauß, J Linstädter, R Özbal, ... Documenta Praehistorica 41, 1-31, 2014 | 137 | 2014 |
The human presence in Europe during the last glacial period I: human migrations and the changing climate TH Van Andel, W Davies, B Weninger Neanderthals and modern humans in the European landscape during the last …, 2003 | 124 | 2003 |
Extension of the 14C Calibration Curve to ca. 40,000 Cal BC by Synchronizing Greenland 180/16O Ice Core Records and North Atlantic Foraminifera Profiles: A Comparison with U/Th … O Jöris, B Weninger Radiocarbon 40 (1), 495-504, 1997 | 108 | 1997 |
A light in the dark: archaeological wiggle matching and the absolute chronology of the close of the Aegean Late Bronze Age SW Manning, B Weninger Antiquity 66 (252), 636-663, 1992 | 108 | 1992 |
Radiocarbon evidence of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in southwestern Europe O Jöris, EÁ Fernandez, B Weninger Trabajos de prehistoria 60 (2), 15-38, 2003 | 101 | 2003 |
ABSOLUTE CHRONOLOGIE DES SPÄTEN PALÄOLITHIKUMS UND DES FRÜHMESOLITHIKUMS IM NÖRDLICHEN RHEINLAND>~ MB von Martin Street, B Weninger Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 241994, 1, 1994 | 99 | 1994 |
Quantum theory of radiocarbon calibration B Weninger, L Clare, O Jöris, R Jung, K Edinborough World Archaeology 47 (4), 543-566, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |