Judy Fox
Cited by
Cited by
Twister: a runtime for iterative mapreduce
J Ekanayake, H Li, B Zhang, T Gunarathne, SH Bae, J Qiu, G Fox
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international symposium on high performance …, 2010
Analysis of virtualization technologies for high performance computing environments
AJ Younge, R Henschel, JT Brown, G Von Laszewski, J Qiu, GC Fox
2011 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing, 9-16, 2011
MapReduce in the Clouds for Science
T Gunarathne, TL Wu, J Qiu, G Fox
2010 IEEE second international conference on cloud computing technology and …, 2010
Cloud computing paradigms for pleasingly parallel biomedical applications
T Gunarathne, TL Wu, J Qiu, G Fox
Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Symposium on High Performance …, 2010
Cloud technologies for bioinformatics applications
J Ekanayake, T Gunarathne, J Qiu
IEEE Transactions on parallel and distributed systems 22 (6), 998-1011, 2010
CAT-8015: A Second-Generation Pseudomonas Exotoxin A–Based Immunotherapy Targeting CD22-Expressing Hematologic Malignancies
RF Alderson, RJ Kreitman, T Chen, P Yeung, R Herbst, JA Fox, I Pastan
Clinical Cancer Research 15 (3), 832-839, 2009
A tale of two data-intensive paradigms: Applications, abstractions, and architectures
S Jha, J Qiu, A Luckow, P Mantha, GC Fox
2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 645-652, 2014
Finding complex biological relationships in recent PubMed articles using Bio-LDA
H Wang, Y Ding, J Tang, X Dong, B He, J Qiu, DJ Wild
PloS one 6 (3), e17243, 2011
Hybrid cloud and cluster computing paradigms for life science applications
Q Judy, E Jaliya, G Thilina, C Jong, B Seung-Hee, L Hui, Z Bingjing, ...
BMC Bioinformatics 11, 0
Scalable parallel computing on clouds using Twister4Azure iterative MapReduce
T Gunarathne, B Zhang, TL Wu, J Qiu
Future Generation Computer Systems 29 (4), 1035-1048, 2013
A hierarchical framework for cross-domain MapReduce execution
Y Luo, Z Guo, Y Sun, B Plale, J Qiu, WW Li
Proceedings of the second international workshop on Emerging computational …, 2011
Structural requirements for adhesion of soluble recombinant murine vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 to alpha 4 beta 1.
ME Renz, HH Chiu, S Jones, J Fox, KJ Kim, LG Presta, S Fong
The Journal of cell biology 125 (6), 1395-1406, 1994
OSoMe: the IUNI observatory on social media
CA Davis, GL Ciampaglia, LM Aiello, K Chung, MD Conover, E Ferrara, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 2, e87, 2016
Dimension reduction and visualization of large high-dimensional data via interpolation
SH Bae, JY Choi, J Qiu, GC Fox
Proceedings of the 19th ACM international symposium on high performance …, 2010
Big data, simulations and HPC convergence
G Fox, J Qiu, S Jha, S Ekanayake, S Kamburugamuve
Big Data Benchmarking: 6th International Workshop, WBDB 2015, Toronto, ON …, 2016
Survey of distributed stream processing for large stream sources
S Kamburugamuve, G Fox, D Leake, J Qiu
Grids Ucs Indiana Edu 2, 1-16, 2013
X‐ray structures of fragments from binding and nonbinding versions of a humanized anti‐CD18 antibody: Structural indications of the key role of VH residues 59 to 65
C Eigenbrot, T Gonzalez, J Mayeda, P Carter, W Werther, T Hotaling, ...
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 18 (1), 49-62, 1994
Learning everywhere: Pervasive machine learning for effective high-performance computation
G Fox, JA Glazier, JCS Kadupitiya, V Jadhao, M Kim, J Qiu, JP Sluka, ...
2019 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2019
Parallel data mining from multicore to cloudy grids
G Fox, SH Bae, J Ekanayake, X Qiu, H Yuan
High Speed and Large Scale Scientific Computing 18, 311, 2010
Peer-to-peer Grids
G Fox, D Gannon, SH Ko, S Pallickara, M Pierce, X Qiu, X Rao, A Uyar, ...
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Articles 1–20