Stanislav Glubokovskikh
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Cited by
Seismic dispersion and attenuation in saturated porous rocks with aligned fractures of finite thickness: Theory and numerical simulations—Part 1: P-wave perpendicular to the …
J Guo, J Germán Rubino, ND Barbosa, S Glubokovskikh, B Gurevich
Geophysics 83 (1), WA49-WA62, 2018
4D surface seismic tracks small supercritical CO2 injection into the subsurface: CO2CRC Otway Project
R Pevzner, M Urosevic, D Popik, V Shulakova, K Tertyshnikov, E Caspari, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 63, 150-157, 2017
Effects of fracture intersections on seismic dispersion: theoretical predictions versus numerical simulations
J Guo, JG Rubino, S Glubokovskikh, B Gurevich
Geophysical Prospecting 65 (5), 1264-1276, 2017
Elastic full-waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data acquired with distributed acoustic sensors
A Egorov, J Correa, A Bóna, R Pevzner, K Tertyshnikov, S Glubokovskikh, ...
Geophysics 83 (3), R273-R281, 2018
Seismic dispersion and attenuation in saturated porous rocks with aligned fractures of finite thickness: Theory and numerical simulations—Part 2: Frequency-dependent anisotropy
J Guo, J Germán Rubino, ND Barbosa, S Glubokovskikh, B Gurevich
Geophysics 83 (1), WA63-WA71, 2018
Seismic monitoring of CO2 geosequestration: CO2CRC Otway case study using full 4D FDTD approach
S Glubokovskikh, R Pevzner, T Dance, E Caspari, D Popik, V Shulakova, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 49, 201-216, 2016
Seismic monitoring of a small CO2 injection using a multi-well DAS array: Operations and initial results of Stage 3 of the CO2CRC Otway project
R Pevzner, R Isaenkov, S Yavuz, A Yurikov, K Tertyshnikov, P Shashkin, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 110, 103437, 2021
Time‐lapse full waveform inversion of vertical seismic profile data: Workflow and application to the CO2CRC Otway project
A Egorov, R Pevzner, A Bóna, S Glubokovskikh, V Puzyrev, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (14), 7211-7218, 2017
An automated system for continuous monitoring of CO2 geosequestration using multi-well offset VSP with permanent seismic sources and receivers: Stage 3 of the CO2CRC Otway Project
R Isaenkov, R Pevzner, S Glubokovskikh, S Yavuz, A Yurikov, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 108, 103317, 2021
Seismic dispersion and attenuation in saturated porous rock with aligned slit cracks
BY Fu, J Guo, LY Fu, S Glubokovskikh, RJ Galvin, B Gurevich
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (8), 6890-6910, 2018
Frequency-dependent attenuation and dispersion caused by squirt flow: Three-dimensional numerical study
Y Alkhimenkov, E Caspari, B Gurevich, ND Barbosa, S Glubokovskikh, ...
Geophysics 85 (3), MR129-MR145, 2020
Illuminating the geology: Post-injection reservoir characterisation of the CO2CRC Otway site
T Dance, T LaForce, S Glubokovskikh, J Ennis-King, R Pevzner
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86, 146-157, 2019
Validating subsurface monitoring as an alternative option to Surface M&V-the CO2CRC's Otway Stage 3 Injection
C Jenkins, S Marshall, T Dance, J Ennis-King, S Glubokovskikh, ...
Energy Procedia 114, 3374-3384, 2017
Repeat well logging using earthquake wave amplitudes measured by distributed acoustic sensors
R Pevzner, B Gurevich, A Pirogova, K Tertyshnikov, S Glubokovskikh
The Leading Edge 39 (7), 513-517, 2020
How well can time-lapse seismic characterize a small CO2 leakage into a saline aquifer: CO2CRC Otway 2C experiment (Victoria, Australia)
S Glubokovskikh, R Pevzner, J Gunning, T Dance, V Shulakova, D Popik, ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 92, 102854, 2020
Effect of asperities on stress dependency of elastic properties of cracked rocks
S Glubokovskikh, B Gurevich, M Lebedev, V Mikhaltsevitch, S Tan
International Journal of Engineering Science 98, 116-125, 2016
Seismic velocity changes caused by an overburden stress
V Korneev, S Glubokovskikh
Geophysics 78 (5), WC25-WC31, 2013
A dual‐porosity scheme for fluid/solid substitution
S Glubokovskikh, B Gurevich, N Saxena
Geophysical Prospecting 64 (4-Advances in Rock Physics), 1112-1121, 2016
Dynamic seismic signatures of saturated porous rocks containing two orthogonal sets of fractures: Theory versus numerical simulations
J Guo, JG Rubino, S Glubokovskikh, B Gurevich
Geophysical Journal International 213 (2), 1244-1262, 2018
Downhole distributed acoustic sensing provides insights into the structure of short‐period ocean‐generated seismic wavefield
S Glubokovskikh, R Pevzner, E Sidenko, K Tertyshnikov, B Gurevich, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (12), e2020JB021463, 2021
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Articles 1–20