Training feedforward networks with the Marquardt algorithm MT Hagan, MB Menhaj IEEE transactions on Neural Networks 5 (6), 989-993, 1994 | 10427 | 1994 |
Fractional-order Hopfield neural networks A Boroomand, MB Menhaj Advances in Neuro-Information Processing: 15th International Conference …, 2009 | 183 | 2009 |
Modeling and estimation of the natural gas consumption for residential and commercial sectors in Iran M Forouzanfar, A Doustmohammadi, MB Menhaj, S Hasanzadeh Applied Energy 87 (1), 268-274, 2010 | 158 | 2010 |
Fundamentals of neural networks MB Menhaj Computational intelligence 1 (1), 1998 | 156 | 1998 |
A neural network controller for load following operation of nuclear reactors MN Khajavi, MB Menhaj, AA Suratgar Annals of Nuclear Energy 29 (6), 751-760, 2002 | 124 | 2002 |
A new fuzzy logic filter for image enhancement F Farbiz, MB Menhaj, SA Motamedi, MT Hagan IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 30 …, 2000 | 122 | 2000 |
Artificial neural network–based system identification for a single-shaft gas turbine H Asgari, XQ Chen, MB Menhaj, R Sainudiin Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 135 (9), 092601, 2013 | 121 | 2013 |
Robust nonlinear model predictive control for a PWR nuclear power plant H Eliasi, MB Menhaj, H Davilu Progress in Nuclear Energy 54 (1), 177-185, 2012 | 121 | 2012 |
Robust nonlinear model predictive control for nuclear power plants in load following operations with bounded xenon oscillations H Eliasi, MB Menhaj, H Davilu Nuclear Engineering and Design 241 (2), 533-543, 2011 | 117 | 2011 |
Wearable sensor‐based human activity recognition in the smart healthcare system F Serpush, MB Menhaj, B Masoumi, B Karasfi Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2022 (1), 1391906, 2022 | 113 | 2022 |
Dynamic average consensus via nonlinear protocols S Nosrati, M Shafiee, MB Menhaj Automatica 48 (9), 2262-2270, 2012 | 105 | 2012 |
The usage of 10-fold cross-validation and grid search to enhance ML methods performance in solar farm power generation prediction SM Malakouti, MB Menhaj, AA Suratgar Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15, 100664, 2023 | 81 | 2023 |
Decentralized robust adaptive-output feedback controller for power system load frequency control MH Kazemi, M Karrari, MB Menhaj Electrical Engineering 84, 75-83, 2002 | 80 | 2002 |
A hybrid method for grade estimation using genetic algorithm and neural networks H Mahmoudabadi, M Izadi, MB Menhaj Computational Geosciences 13, 91-101, 2009 | 79 | 2009 |
A novel clustering approach for short-term solar radiation forecasting M Ghayekhloo, M Ghofrani, MB Menhaj, R Azimi Solar Energy 122, 1371-1383, 2015 | 78 | 2015 |
ARO: A new model-free optimization algorithm inspired from asexual reproduction A Farasat, MB Menhaj, T Mansouri, MRS Moghadam Applied Soft Computing 10 (4), 1284-1292, 2010 | 78 | 2010 |
Communication free leader–follower formation control of unmanned aircraft systems MA Dehghani, MB Menhaj Robotics and Autonomous Systems 80, 69-75, 2016 | 77 | 2016 |
A hybrid short-term load forecasting with a new data preprocessing framework M Ghayekhloo, MB Menhaj, M Ghofrani Electric Power Systems Research 119, 138-148, 2015 | 77 | 2015 |
Control of leader–follower formation and path planning of mobile robots using Asexual Reproduction Optimization (ARO) AN Asl, MB Menhaj, A Sajedin Applied soft computing 14, 563-576, 2014 | 75 | 2014 |
A fuzzy logic control based approach for image filtering F Farbiz, MB Menhaj Fuzzy techniques in image processing, 194-221, 2000 | 75 | 2000 |