Georgi Papanchev
Georgi Papanchev
Доцент, ФДМ, МУ-Варна
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Comparison of the rates of bone regeneration in sinus lift grafting with a calcium-phosphate paste between the 6th and the 9th month-a clinical case
G Papanchev, T Georgiev, S Peev, H Arnautska, N Zgurova, ...
Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis 1 (1), 43-51, 2015
Root-end filling materials-review
T Borisova-Papancheva, V Panov, S Peev, G Papanchev
Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis 1 (1), 9-15, 2015
Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis. Etiological, clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Systematic review
G Papanchev, R Yotsova
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists-Varna. Medicine and Ecology …, 2017
Posterior endodontic surgery–a case report
T Borisova-Papancheva, G Papanchev, S Peev, T Georgiev
Medinform 1, 389-393, 2016
Conservative non-surgical management of an extensive periapical lesion–a case report
T Borisova-Papancheva, V Panov, G Papanchev, S Peev
MedInform 2 (4), 364-369, 2015
A clinical case of paresthesia due to amalgam retrograde filling disseminated in the upper jaw and soft tissues
TBP E. Aleksieva Georgiev T., S.Peev , G. Papanchev
Scripta Scientifica Medica 2 (44), 97-101, 2012
Accuracy of CBCT for Measurement of the Volume, Area and Bone Density of Periapical Lesions
G Papanchev, T Borisova-Papancheva, T Georgiev, R Andreevа
International Journal of Science and Research 5 (6), 1697-702, 2013
Sinus floor elevation with lateral approach and five-year follow-up
S Peev, T Georgiev, E Sabeva, G Papanchev, V Panov
Medinform, 2016
Comparison of the accuracy of different impression taking techniques using different types of transferring methods for bone level implants
GP St. Katsarov
Clinical Oral Implants Research 30 (s19), 2019
Questionnaire survey about the awareness of dentists on materials used for retrograde filling
T Borisova-Papancheva, V Panov, G Papanchev, M Markova
Varna Medical Forum 4 (2), 112-115, 2015
Supernumerary teeth in the anterior maxillary region in mixed dentition: Surgical treatment of three cases
S Dimanov, G Papanchev
Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists-Varna. Medicine and Ecology …, 2024
The potential role of collagen biomaterials in periapical surgery—a review
M Ali, G Papanchev, R Yotsova, T Gerova-Vatsova, Y Yankov
Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis 10 (2), 2024
Foreign bodies in the maxillary sinus: a review
M Ali, G Papanchev, R Yotsova, T Gerova-Vatsova, Y Yankov
Varna Medical Forum 13 (2), 2024
Different Approaches to the Treatment of Anterior Tooth Fractures: Three Clinical Cases and Behavior Report
D Zaneva-Hristova, T Borisova-Papancheva, YG Yankov, G Papanchev
Cureus 16 (7), e64524, 2024
Open Barrier Membrane Technique for the Treatment of Oroantral Communications: Two Case Reports
RV Yotsova, GY Papanchev, M Ali, T Gerova-Vatsova
Cureus 16 (7), e63854, 2024
Alternative method for surgical treatment of a semi-impacted lower third molar–a case report
G Papanchev, M Ali
Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis 10 (1), 2024
Influence of the type of bone substitute materials on the rates of bone regeneration in sinus lift grafting with lateral approach and delayed implant placement
G Papanchev, S Peev, T Georgiev
Clinical Oral Implants Research 31, 251-251, 2020
Surgical vs Non-surgical Retreatment of Endodontic Cases-Factors, Influencing the Retreatment Choice
S Georgieva, T Borisova-Papancheva, G Papanchev
Scripta Scientifica Vox Studentium 1, 2017
Abnormal changes in the occlusion and the order of the teeth аs a result of the premature loss of one or a group of teeth
R Andreeva, G Papanchev
Varna Medical Forum 5 (2), 137-141, 2016
Premature loss of primary teeth of children with mixed dentition
R Andreeva, G Papanchev
Varna Medical Forum 5 (2), 146-151, 2016
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